Wednesday, November 26, 2008


We spent Tuesday afternoon walking in downtown Jerusalem, visiting several art studios, watching the people go by, and eating falafel. The little falafel stand we went to was small and crowded and had no indoor seating; one of those hole-in-the-wall takeout places. Israeli falafel stands apparently are exepmt from whatever health codes the city or State has (if they have any:)the people behind the counter were not wearing hats or hair nets, they handled the food withpout wearing any plastic gloves or even using tongs; and they handled the money and ran the cash register without washing their hands. Since it was warm outside, the doors were wide open, and there were flies, and outside on the sidewalk there were some less-than-spotless tables, and cement planters that people were sitting on, and a few benches, and many stray cats, and a fair amount of trash on the ground.

It occurred to me that in Chicago, it's highly unlikely that I'd eat at such a place-the general unkempt and unsanitary appearance would be enough to scare me away with thoughts of food poisoning. But because it's Israel, I'm more willing to overlook those things.

But the falafel was really good, and only cost 6 shekels, which is about $1.50---and that's all the math I am willing to do.

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