Wednesday, November 26, 2008

End of part 1 of the trip

If I were interested in doing math, I could figure out how many hours of sleep I averaged per night during the week we were in Jerusalem. I'm guessing it's about 5. But who wants to waste time sleeping?

Jerusalem has changed quite a bit since I was last there several years ago. new museums, new apartment buildings, new excavations, and streets torn up for a new light rail system that's being built. But we were told that the light rail is about 10 years from completion because somehow the people who were making the tracks and the people who were making the trains didn't communicate effectively, so the trains don't match the tracks--or something like that.

Last night we were in a taxi and a car in the lane next to us was going a little slowly--maybe looking for an address--but not THAT slowly--and the woman in the car behind him beeped her horn continuously for 2 blocks. When we all stopped at a red light, she got out of her car and went up to his window and started screaming at him until the light turned green. My Hebrew isn't good enough to be able to understand when people are talking very fast and screaming--which happens more than you might expect in Israel--but I'm sure you can imagine what she was saying.

1 comment:

Ilana said...

LOL! The light rail thing is SO Israel. Also the lady screaming. Ahhh, I miss it.